Notizie dal Sustainable Network
Carbonsink - CSRD and Climate Transition Plans: from compliance to opportunity
Forward-thinking companies view the CSRD not just as a regulatory requirement, but as an opportunity to embed sustainability into their core strategy, with Climate Transition Plans being an effective way to demonstrate commitment 30 Ott 2024 - 10:00 -
CDP - At the Forefront of Sustainable Finance for Greater Positive Impacts
CDP integrated sustainability into its business model, channeling resources to investments increasingly aligned with UN SDGs, and able to generate measurable positive impacts, also through its leading role in the sustainable finance market 30 Ott 2024 - 09:59 -
Dentons - Recepimento CSRD nuovi obblighi di rendicontazione di sostenibilità
L’Italia ha recepito la Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, che impone specifici obblighi di rendicontazione in materia di sostenibilità. Le società di grandi dimensioni saranno tenute ad adempiere già dall’anno in corso. 30 Ott 2024 - 09:58 -
EQUITA - 5 best practices for a successful ESG positioning
Enhancing ESG rating is a complex endeavour for corporates. Drawing from successful case studies, we suggest 5 best practices in the interaction with ESG rating providers to help corporates in their path towards a better ESG positioning 30 Ott 2024 - 09:57 -
ERM - Ahead of the climate curve
Integrating climate transition plans into corporate strategies is essential for anticipating risks. Proactive, regulation-compliant approaches empower businesses to navigate the low-carbon economy, mitigate risks, and seize opportunities 30 Ott 2024 - 09:56 -
IMPact SGR - Short-term gains or long-term growth? The buyback dilemma
After four decades of accelerated growth, stock buybacks have become a heated topic in economic policy discussions. Are we nearing the peak of this trend? And what could it mean for investors? 30 Ott 2024 - 09:55 -
Lexant-Regolamento EUDR e lotta alla deforestazione: gli obblighi per le imprese
Il 9 giugno 2023 è stato pubblicato nella Gazzetta Ufficiale dell’UE il Regolamento (UE) 2023/1115, noto come Regolamento EUDR, che impone nuovi obblighi alle imprese per contrastare la deforestazione e il degrado forestale 30 Ott 2024 - 09:54 -
Moody's - Emerging green technologies will diversify sustainable debt markets
Moody’s Ratings expects emerging green technologies like CCUS, low-carbon hydrogen, biofuels and nuclear to diversify sustainable bond issuance by sector and project type, with an increased emphasis on credible emission thresholds. 30 Ott 2024 - 09:53 -
V -FINANCE-TECNO-Il Regolamento EUDR e la tutela del patrimonio ecologico
Il Regolamento EUDR 2023/1115 introduce norme rigorose per impedire l'importazione di prodotti legati alla deforestazione nel mercato europeo. Imprese di tutti i settori devono garantire tracciabilità e conformità ambientale 30 Ott 2024 - 09:52 -
Carbonsink - Corporate biodiversity action: the why and how
Forward-thinking businesses and investors are beginning to harness the links between biodiversity and climate. 28 Giu 2024 - 14:53
Glossario finanziario
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