The strategic relevance of ESG


The strategic relevance of ESG: from the role of leading players to the engagement with market stakeholder

Martedì 6 settembre, 10.00 - 12.30


Un gruppo di investitori, analisti e ESG rating provider dialogheranno direttamente con gli emittenti sulle strategie di integrazione dei KPIs di sostenibilità nei processi di valutazione, rating e investimento.
Infine, il terzo panel si concentrerà sull'iniziativa Science Based Targets e sull'esperienza italiana nella transizione net zero attraverso la definizione di obiettivi di riduzione delle emissioni basati sulla scienza.


Barbara Lunghi, Head of Listing Sales Italy | Euronext 

Tavola rotonda: "Integration of ESG KPIs into the investment process" 
Gianluca Pediconi, Partner, MOMentum
Angelo Meda, Head of Equities, Portfolio Manager, Banor SIM
Giuliano Gasparet,  Head of Equity, Generali Insurance Asset Management
Dario Mangilli, Head of Sustainability, IMPact SGR 
Gabriel Wilson-Otto, Director Sustainable Investing, Fidelity International
Antonio Amendola, Fund Manager, AcomeA PMItalia ESG 
Elisabetta Cugnasca, Head of IR, Interpump
Francesca Rambaudi, IR and Sustainability Sr Director, Amplifon

Tavola rotonda: "Integration of ESG KPIs into the coverage and the ESG rating activity" 
Shanshan Zhu, ESG Analyst, Cerved Rating Agency
Federico Pezzetti, Senior Analyst Utilities, Intermonte
Josep Pujal, Head of ESG Research, Kepler Cheuvreux
Mattia Arrighi, Associate Relationship Manager, Moody’s ESG Solutions
Aurelia Abadou, Senior Associate, Sustainalytics
Domenico Ghilotti, Co-Head of Research Team, Equita 

Monica Girardi, Head of Group IR, Enel
Nicoletta Russo, Head of IR and Sustainability, Ferrari 

Fireside chat: "Route to net-zero: the readiness of the Italian listed companies"
Marco Montanini, Head of Sustainability, Italgas
Daniele Carbonin, Regional Coordinator Climate Strategies, Carbonsink

Science-based target initiatives: the Italian experience 
Daniele Carbonin, Regional Coordinator Climate Strategies, Carbonsink
Eleonora Giada Pessina, Group Sustainability Officer, Pirelli & C. 

Moderatrice Patrizia Celia, Head of Large Caps and Investment Vehicles - Listing Sales Italy | Euronext 

Keynote speech
David W. Livingston, Senior Adviser to the US Special Presidential Envoy on Climate, US Government
Patrizia Celia, Head of Large Caps and Investment Vehicles - Listing Sales Italy | Euronext

In collaborazione con

Amplifon, Interpump, MOMentum, Banor SIM, Generali, IMPact SGR, Fidelity International, AcomeA PMI Italia ESG, Ferrari, Enel, Cerved Rating Agency, Intermonte SIM, UniCredit – Kepler Cheuvreux, Moody’s ESG Solutions, Sustainalytics, Equita, Carbonsink, Pirelli & C.

Lingua: inglese