Profilo società

AXA is the European leading insurance group. Net sales break down by activity as follows:
- damage insurance (51.6%): mainly car insurance, home insurance, property damage, civil liability, and major risk insurance. The group also offers assistance services (medical assistance for travelers, breakdown service for vehicles, etc.);
- life insurance (46.8%): sale of savings policies, retirement accounts, estate planning services, and health insurance to individuals and companies;
- asset management (1.5%): EUR 843 billion of assets managed at the end of 2023;
- other (0.1%): mainly banking activities in France, Belgium and Germany.

Fonte: Cofisem - Ultimo aggiornamento: 2024-07-11

Dirigenti principali
Chief Executive Officer Thomas Buberl
Deputy General Manager Frédéric Marie Courtois d'Arcollières
Deputy General Manager George Stansfield
Company Secretary George Stansfield
General Counsel Helen Browne
Chief Communication Officer Ulrike Decoene
Director of Sustainable Development Ulrike Decoene
Chief Risk Officer Françoise Gilles
Chief Financial Officer Alban Mailly Nesle
Chief Human Resources Officer Karima Silvent
VP, Financial Communication Anu Venkataraman
Strategy Director Anu Venkataraman
Chief Operating Officer Alexander Vollert

Fonte: Cofisem - Ultimo aggiornamento: 2024-07-11

Dati principali
Millenium 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Gross written premiums 80.889 80.449 97.034 94.148 99.852
Net banking income 535 486 512
Financial income net of charges (excluding net cost of indebtedness) 3.525 -855 22.749 15.953 31.121
Income from ordinary activities 87.151 82.529 122.171 112.346 132.866
Operating income 9.218 7.384 9.514 5.350 5.840
Financial charges 609 652 461 878 720
Equity-accounted companies contribution to income 277 -149 144 400 504
Net profit from discontinued activities 0 -23
Net income 7.373 5.207 7.508 3.331 4.182
Net income (Group share) 7.189 5.061 7.294 3.164 3.857
Fiscal year end 2023-12-31 2022-12-31 2021-12-31 2020-12-31 2019-12-31
Length of fiscal year (month) 12 12 12 12 12
Currency & Unit EUR - millions EUR - millions EUR - millions EUR - millions EUR - millions

Fonte: Cofisem - Ultimo aggiornamento: 2024-07-11

Informazioni sull'azionariato
Group-owned stock 1,94 %
Free float 78,07 %
Mutuelles Axa 15,65 %
Employees 4,34 %

Fonte: Cofisem - Ultimo aggiornamento: 2024-07-11

Per supporto nell'aggiornamento del company profile:

Quotazioni, Book, Dividendi, Documenti Societari, Corporate Governance, Internal Dealing di Axa

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