Press Releases 2004

December, 30th 2004
Borsa Italiana, 2004 performance - second part

December, 30th 2004
Borsa Italiana, 2004 performance - first part

December, 30th 2004
Statements from Angelo Tantazzi, Chairman of Borsa Italiana and Massimo Capuano, President and CEO of Borsa Italiana

December, 21st 2004
Starting from 31 January 2005, new indices for Borsa Italiana markets

December, 7th 2004
BIt monthly flash- November 2004

December, 2nd 2004
techSTAR: 28 companies present nine month financial results for 2004

November, 30th 2004
IDEM, the Italian Derivatives Market, celebrates 10 years

November, 25th 2004
"Retail investors and the Stock Market. Second report by Borsa Italiana on shareholding in Italy": a conference by Borsa Italiana

November, 22nd 2004
2005 Trading Calendar

November, 15th 2004
Borsa Italiana defines the model price-sensitive press release

November, 11th 2004
BIt MONTHLY FLASH - October 2004

October, 27th 2004
MonteTitoli: record number of transactions settled with Express II

October, 25th 2004
Reasons behind the technical glitch of MTA and MOT on 25 October 2004

October, 8th 2004
SEC: "no action letter" for options on S&P/MIB, now tradeable also in the United States

October, 7th 2004
BIt MONTHLY FLASH - September 2004

September, 20th 2004
Great success of the rollover to the new S&P/MIB derivatives.  On its first day as the refernce index for the Italian market, over 22,000 lots were traded on the IDEM, combining futures, miniFutures and options

September, 14th 2004
Monte Titoli: The Board has entrusted the Deputy Chairman with powers attaining matters of particular strategic relevance for the Company and has strengthen the management powers of the General Manager.

September, 10th 2004
Futures based on the S&P/MIB index: "no-action letter" by the CFTC

September , 7th 2004
BIt MONTHLY FLASH - August 2004

August, 17th 2004
CC&G (Cassa di Compensazione e Garanzia) launches new central counterparty service for Italian Government Bonds treated on the MTS market

August, 11th 2004

August, 3rd 2004
Giovanni Sabatini, Monte Titoli CEO, takes up an important position in Consob

July, 29th 2004
Retail investors and the Stock Market. Second report by Borsa Italiana on shareholding in Italy

July, 2nd 2004

June, 22th 2004
A new electronic trading platform for the fixed income market of Borsa Italiana

June, 10th 2004
BIt SYSTEMS, the Information Technology Company of the Borsa Italiana Group, sets up an innovative project with I.NET to gain access to italian and international financial markets

June, 4th 2004

May, 26th 2004
"Investing in the Italian local utilities sector" - A Borsa Italiana Conference

May, 20th 2004
4th Hedge Fund Conference: the international financial community meets the hedge fund industry

May, 2nd 2004
BIt MONTHLY FLASH - April 2004

April, 30th 2004
The General Meeting of Shareholders of Borsa Italiana approves the Parent Company's and Consolidated Financial Statements for 2003 and a number of changes to the Market Rules

April, 23th 2004
SeDeX: A new Brand for the Securitised Derivatives Market of Borsa Italiana

April, 15th 2004
Monte Titoli Shareholders Appoint Vincenzo Pontolillo as a member of the Board

April , 8th 2004
Borsa Italiana approves new segmentation of the Covered Warrant Market

April, 5th 2004
BIt MONTHLY FLASH - March 2004

April, 1st 2004
Borsa Italiana 2003 Financial Statements

February, 25th 2004
STAR Companies present their Y2003 results

February, 13th 2004
Borsa Italiana prsents TechSTAR, the new segment for the Nuovo Mercato stocks

February, 12th 2004
Borsa Italiana to permit launch of S&P/MIB index derivatives on IDEM

January, 2nd 2004
Massimo Capuano, President and Ceo of Borsa Italiana, today becomes President of the Federation of European Securities Exchanges