Request for Quote

Starting from October, 24th the Request for Quote is available on ETFplus, MOT and ExtraMOT market of the Italian Stock Exchange.  

The aim of the RFQ functionality is to offer to all the market members a fast and efficient way to find on-exchange (but off-book) counterparties for large-in-scale trades. Institutional clients can thus receive on a dedicated channel proposal of price and quantity that deales do not normally expose on-book to avoid arbitrage or scalping.


An RFQ can be sent only for a minimum quantity equals to:

  • 700,000 eur nominal for Italian and foreign government securities;
  • 200,000 eur nominal for all other debt instruments.

Istitutional clients can send RFQ in anonymous and visible mode.

The functionality is available during the continuous trading hours and follows the phases of trading.

Traders executed through RFQ are cleared by Euronext Clearing for securities denominated in EUR and USD (with the exception of the instruments traded on the segment ExtraMOT PRO).

Settlement in T+2.


For the list of bonds on which Request for Quote, please clic here

For the Parameter Guide, please clic here