Corporate Officers

Board of Directors

Chairman: Claudia Parzani
Deputy Chairman: Gianluca Garbi
CEO and General Manager: Fabrizio Testa
Director of Finance: Giorgio Modica
Director: Barbara Alemanni
Director: Stéphane Boujnah
Director: Aurélie Cohen 
Director: Tatiana Rizzante
Director: Paolo Marchesini

The Board of Directors remain in office until the approval of the financial statement as of 31st December 2025.

Board of Statutory Auditors

Chairman: Franco Carlo Papa
Active Statutory Auditor: Ottavia Alfano, Fabio Facchini
Substitute Statutory Auditor: Fabio Artoni, Michela Haymar D’Ettory

The Board of Statutory Auditors was appointed by the Shareholders meeting held on the 27th of April 2023 and shall remain in office until the approval of the financial statement as of 31st December 2025.

Advisory Committee

Gianluigi Gugliotta
Anna Gervasoni                                                                          
Marcello Bianchi
Lucio De Gasperis
Marco Maria Fumagalli
David Sabatini

Nomination Committee


  • Claudia Parzani (Chairman)
  • Gianluca Garbi
  • Barbara Alemanni
The Nomination Committee shall remain in office until the expiry of the term of the Board of Directors.

Shareholders list as of April 27th 2023

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