040610_BIt Sy_inet

BIt SYSTEMS, the Information Technology Company of the Borsa Italiana Group, sets up an innovative project with I.NET to gain access to italian and international financial markets


BIt Systems, the Information Technology Company of the Borsa Italiana Group, presented its new Application Services Providing systems establishing business relations with I.NET, a company listed on the Nuovo Mercato controlled by British Telecom Group.

The ASP products offered by BIt Systems are intended for brokers, software vendors and service providers and offer solutions to gain access to national and international financial markets based on excellent technological infrastructures capable of guaranteeing the highest service quality standards.

BIt SYSTEMS, the planner and main contractor of this enterprise, called upon I.NET to take the role of business partner, acknowledging the experience, competence and availability of its internationally certified security and continuity systems.

The ASP services offered by BIt SYSTEMS provide clients with numerous advantages:

  • A wider choice of solutions for access to Italian financial markets
  • Easier access to foreign financial markets
  • Reduced costs and operating risks
  • An available disaster recovery solution
  • Maintaining core competence
  • The opportunity to make choices and investments gradually
  • The chance to create a network of reliable and competent partners.

"Awareness of the mission, specialist skills and high standards of physical, environmental and network protection are the distinguishing features of this service", remarks Andrea Giochetta, Chief Executive Officer of BIt SYSTEMS. "Thus centralization becomes a fundamental step towards simplification, focalizing company resources on core business, cost saving and improving efficiency for plug&go solutions".

"Basilea II regulations encourage financial brokers to adopt the necessary technological tools in order to minimise losses arising from operating risks, by increasing service availability", added Roberto Galimberti, the I.NET Chairman, "and the BIt SYSTEMS enterprise is also intended to meet this requirement. We are glad to host the heart of this project in our Data Centers".

I.NET Group

I.NET Group

is the first Italian Application Infrastructure Provider (AIP), offering companies that implement the Application Service Provider (ASP) business model a hospitable and stable environment through which delivering applications over the Web. The Group ensures the smooth running of the clients' Internet connectivity, systems and middle-ware, guaranteeing continuity in the underlying network and systems infrastructure. Its offering is articulated in two key areas: Managed Internet Connectivity and Web Farm Services, including value added services ranging from messaging, security, monitoring & reporting to management services and data back-up. I.NET Group, which is controlled by BT Group Plc, comprises of the parent company listed on the Nuovo Mercato of the Italian Stock Exchange and three operating subsidiaries.




was set up in 2001 to supply Information Technology services to private and public operators, financial institutions and equity management companies, offering the best technological skills in the field of Architecture & Business Application. BIt Systems manages mission critical projects and services for the market concerning trading, clearing and settlement of financial instruments listed on the Borsa Italiana (Italian Stock Exchange). It offers qualified advice on developing complex projects and on assessing technological infrastructure, ensuring the co-ordination and control of external partners and suppliers to optimize performance, budget and timing for each work programme. Moreover, it takes care of the equipment and services connected with data/information dissemination and Internet systems.