In December 2024, the Italian Corporate Governance Committee approved the thirteenth annual report containing the twelfth analysis on the application of the Corporate Governance Code. The Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Massimo Tononi, sent his annual letter to listed companies, where specific recommendations are made to strengthen practices and promote the application of the Corporate Governance Code.
In the same meeting, the Committee approved its position on the issues concerning the application of the Corporate Sustainability Report Directive, as well as the updated edition of the Format for the corporate governance report.
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The Italian Corporate Governance Committee is made up of the issuers and investors associations (ABI, ANIA, Assonime, Confindustria and Assogestion), as well as the Italian Stock Exchange (Borsa Italiana S.p.A.).
On 9 December 2019, the Committee approved its eighth annual report which includes the fifth report on the compliance with the Italian Corporate Governance Code. The Committee also defined the contents of the new Corporate Governance Code which has been approved in its final version on 31 January 2020 (the related press release is available here).
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