040415_nomina Pontolillo


Monte Titoli Shareholders Appoint Vincenzo Pontolillo

as a member of the Board


The Shareholders of Monte Titoli, a Borsa Italiana Group company, met today and appointed Vincenzo Pontolillo as a member of the Board.


Monte Titoli Board of Directors is formed of:

Chairman: Angelo Tantazzi

Deputy Chiarman: Massimo Capuano

Chief Executive Officer: Giovanni Sabatini

Director: Alessandro Chieffi

Director: Andrea Giochetta

Director: Raffaele Jerusalmi

Director: Michele Monti

Director: Vincenzo Pontolillo

Director: Renato Tarantola


Vincenzo Pontolillo was Central Director of the Bank of Italy's Central Banking and Markets Area till February 2004.


Milan, 15 April 2004

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