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Listing Sponsor Euronext Access Milan

In order to list bonds or other debt instruments on Euronext Access Milan the issuers have the option to appoint a Listing Sponsor to assist and support the company in the preparatory activities for admission (electronic transmission of documentation such as the document of admission, financial statements, admission application) and after the admission in the update of information on the company and the instruments.

To obtain the status of Listing Sponsor, the applicant must meet the following requirements:

(i) have worked in the field of debt capital markets and/or corporate finance for a sufficient period of time, providing evidence of the main operations carried out in the last five years;
(ii) have a suitable reputation in providing professional and quality advice in relation to debt capital markets and/or corporate finance operations.

Click here to download the Application Form for the accreditation request of the Listing Sponsor on Euronext Access Milan

Below the Listing Sponsor accreditated, click on the name to discover more:

A.M.U. Investments SIM S.p.A.

ADB Corporate Advisory

Alternative Capital Partners SGR

Arpe Group

Banca Finint

Banca Finnat Euramerica

Banca Sella

BPER Banca

C&G Capital

CFI Italy - Anteos

Consilia Business Management

DLA Piper Studio Legale Tributario Associato

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe

Illimity Bank S.p.A.

Studio Legale Giliberti Triscornia e Associati