Welcome to Palazzo Mezzanotte


Palazzo Mezzanotte was built in 1932 to centralise all the market trading places which were spread allover Milan. The new Stock Exchange building fits in a complex urban project planned by the Architect Paolo Mezzanotte. It became an architectural symbol of Fascism. The original structure still maintains its impressive façade of 36 meters. The travertine blocks are combined with allegoric figures symbolising wealth and abundance designed by Leone Lodi e Gemignano Cibau. The sides of the building are adorned with a series of bricks and travertine blocks and an inscription plaque of marble stands out. It represents the Roman Ruins which were discovered during the excavation phase. The final result was a triumph of rationalism which also encompasses classical elements.


PM 1Palazzo Mezzanotte Congress Centre

Palazzo Mezzanotte has been the headquarters of Borsa Italiana (the Italian Stock Exchange) since its inauguration in 1932.

Storia del Palazzo 3History of Palazzo Mezzanotte

Palazzo Mezzanotte was built in 1932 to centralise all the market trading places which were spread allover Milan.

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In order to meet the organizational needs of all our clients, the Congress Centre and Services offers flexible multi-functional spaces, in harmony with its historical elements.

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If you would like to visit our Congress Centre to see and appreciate exactly what we are offering, we shall be happy to welcome you.

Contact Us

Paola Tinti

Nicoletta Cormio

Borsa Italiana

Events Management

Piazza degli Affari, 6

20123 Milano

tel. +39 02 724261


Its historic rooms, its artistic heritage and its multimedia studios make Palazzo Mezzanotte a prestigiuos location for a wide variety of events.