Opening 3.332
Day High 3.332
Day Low 3.332
Year High 4.328 - 25/02/10
Year Low 3.345 - 25/03/13
Market/Segment Global Equity Market
1 Month Performance -18.49%
6 Months Performance +31.23%
1 Year Performance +66.98%
Isin Code ES0177542018
Alphanumeric Code 1IAG
Super Sector Travel And Leisure
Number Trades: 1   Total Quantity: 1,000
17:28:57 3.332 -4.31%
17:28:57 3.332 -4.31%
17:28:57 3.332 -4.31%

International Consolidated Airlines Quotes, Book, Dividends, Documents and Reports, Corporate Governance, Internal Dealing