ESG evolution in Fixed Income markets


ESG evolution in Fixed Income markets: from issuers market experiences to trading on secondary market

Wednesday 7 September, 10:00am - 12:30pm


The world of ESG debt issuance is constantly growing, not only in terms of new issues, but also with reference to the new types of products, intended to finance sustainable development in the short, medium and long term. The day will develop from the experiences of the primary market and then question about the potential secondary development for ESG debt.


The Primary Market Experience 
Federica Sartori, Managing Director IG Finance – Head of DCM Italy Debt Markets EMEA, BNP Paribas
Giancarlo Pavia, Executive Director, ESG & Sustainable Banking Coordinator, Crédit Agricole
Anna Stagnoli, ESG Strategic Activism - Corporate Governance, Eurizon 
Corrado Fiscale, Partner Hogan Lovells
Gabriele Florian, Head of Capital Markets, Financial Planning, Rating and Risk Management, SNAM

Moderator Maurizio Pastore, Head of Debt Listing, Euronext

Capital Markets Evolution for ESG Fixed Income Assets 
Luca Cazzulani, Head of Strategy Research, FI Strategist, UniCredit 
Barbara Valbuzzi, Head of Market Strategy, Divisione IMI Corporate & Investment Banking, Intesa Sanpaolo 
Annemieke Coldeweijer , Co-Lead Portfolio Manager Sustainable Credit, NN Investment Partners
Francesco Castelli, Head of Fixed Income, Banor Capital 
Stefano Pierini, Chief Finance & Investor Relations Officer, FERROVIE DELLO STATO ITALIANE S.p.A.

Moderator Luca Bagato, Head of Italy fixed income and ETF sales, Euronext

In collaboration with

BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole, Eurizon, Hogan Lovells, SNAM, UniCredit, Intesa Sanpaolo, NN Investment Partners, Banor Capital, Ferrovie dello Stato. 

Language: English