Guide to SeDeX Search Engine

The SeDeX Search Engine allows users to search all covered warrants and certificates listed on a certain day on the SeDeX market, with the possibility also of narrowing the search to subsets of instruments selecting one or more of the following categories: product type, issuer, expire date and underlying.

Product Type

Every Product Type represents one of the categories in which SeDeX instruments are divided. Every type includes instruments with similar characteristics in terms of payoff at maturity and composition of the product. To see the list of the product types with a short description, click on glossary.


The issuer category allows to circumscribe the search to the instruments of a certain issuer.

Expire Date

The expire date category allows to narrow the search to the instruments expiring on a certain date.


The search by underlying is organized in the four SeDeX segments, “Plain Vanilla Covered Warrants”, “Structured/Exotic Covered Warrants”, “Leverage Certificates” and “Investment Certificates”. For each segment it is possible to retrieve the list of all securitised derivatives listed on that segment and having a distinctive underlying asset. Specific underlyings can be found in the menus “Indices”, “Italian Shares”, “Foreign Shares”, “Currencies” and “Other”. The menu Other contains Interest Rates, Commodities, Futures on Commodities, Futures on Government Bonds or Exchange Rates,  and underlyings consisting of the difference or the ratio of two assets.


The Engine allows to make cross-searches using two or more parameters. For instance, after selecting a certain issuer, it is possible to retrieve the list of the investment certificates, benchmark type, whose underlying is the S&P/MIB index.

Search Results

Once the parameters have been selected it is possible to have the required instruments listed by clicking on “search”.
It is also possible to search for a specific covered warrant or certificate by inserting the ISIN code in the ISIN box and clicking on “search”.


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