030930_dichiarazione capuano

Statement by Massimo Capuano,

President & CEO of Borsa Italiana


"Borsa Italiana supports the measures approved yesterday by the Council of Ministers which set the dual objective of developing supply and demand for listed shares, by introducing simple and effective measures aimed at companies preparing for listing and at funds investing in small and medium caps.

The incentives agreed by the Italian Ministry of the Economy will represent a considerable stimulus for those companies wishing to finance their growth with risk capital (according to a Borsa Italiana analysis, some 1,200 companies are now potentially eligible for listing), and an important catalyst for the expansion of the Italian stock market, bringing its international dimension in line with the economic reality of the country.

The vast number of small and medium-sized enterprises, cornerstone of the Italian industrial fabric, will find tax incentives as a further reason for listing, alongside the financing of growth and development projects, the rebalancing of the financial structure and the organisational changes required to deal with competition on an international level.

In the meantime, the development of new funds specialising in mid and small caps will extend the range of opportunities for investors and enhance the value of this important asset class.

All the foundations are therefore in place to create a virtuous circle enabling businesses, brokers and investors to seize a major opportunity for their development."


Milan, 30 September 2003