Company Profile

Autostrade Meridionali S.p.A. operated the A3 Naples-Pompei-Salerno highway until March 31, 2022, under a concession. Following the expiry of the concession on December 31, 2012 and following a tender procedure, the section will be taken over from April 1, 2022 by the SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) Salerno Pompei Napoli S.p.A., successor to Autostrade Meridonali.
From April 1, 2022, the company will therefore only be involved in the management of the existing commercial elements as well as in the auxiliary activities when taken over by the new concessionaire.

Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 2024-05-13

Key Executives
Liquidator Fabio Bernardi
Chief Financial Officer Arnaldo Musto

Source: Autostrade Meridionali S.p.A. In Liquidazione - Last Update: 2024-05-09

Key Figures
Millenium 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Net sales 6,693 33,978 92,772 69,079 93,397
Income from ordinary activities 6,693 33,978 92,772 69,079 93,397
Operating income 2,850 22,863 29,019 10,418 30,843
Cost of financial indebtedness net -530 865 4,850 4,448 6,311
Equity-accounted companies contribution to income
Net profit from discontinued activities 0
Net income 1,451 15,839 16,023 4,030 16,620
Net income (Group share) 1,451 15,839 16,023 4,030 16,620
Fiscal year end 2023-12-31 2022-12-31 2021-12-31 2020-12-31 2019-12-31
Length of fiscal year (month) 12 12 12 12 12
Currency & Unit EUR - thousands EUR - thousands EUR - thousands EUR - thousands EUR - thousands

Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 2024-05-13

Shareholder information
Autostrade Per L'Italia 58.98 %
Free float 41.02 %

Source: Autostrade Meridionali S.p.A. In Liquidazione - Last Update: 2024-05-09


Autostrade Meridionali S.p.A. In Liquidazione

svincolo Fuorigrotta Via Cintia
IT-80126  Napoli
Phone number: +39 (0)81 7254703

Source: Autostrade Meridionali S.p.A. In Liquidazione - Last Update: 2024-05-09

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Quotazioni, Book, Dividendi, Documenti Societari, Corporate Governance, Internal Dealing di Autostrade Merid

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