Legenda - Charts
Intraday Charts:
- Line and Area type: weighted average price in 1 minute
- Candle and Bar type: Opening, High, Low, Closing prices in 1 minute
Historical Charts:
- MTL (Stocks, ETF, ETC, ETN and Funds)
- Line and Area type: reference price (in absence of intraday trades, the reference price will be shown and the volume will be equal to 0)
- Candle and Bar type:
Opening price (in absence of the opening price the first price will be shown)
Low price
High price
Closing price (in absence of the closing price the last price will be shown)
In absence of intraday trades, the closing/last price of the last trading session of the instrument will be used to valorize the O/H/L/C prices and the volume will be equal to 0.
- Sedex
- Line and Area type: : reference price (in absence of intraday trades, the reference price will be shown and the volume will be equal to 0)
- Candle and Bar type:
Opening price (first price)
Low price
High price
Closing price (last price)
In absence of intraday trades, the last price of the last trading session of the instrument will be used to valorize the O/H/L/C prices and the volume will be equal to 0.
- Line and Area type: reference price (in absence of intraday trades, the reference price will be shown and the volume will be equal to 0)
- Candle and Bar type:
Opening price
Low price
High price
Closing price (in absence of the closing price the last price will be shown)
In absence of intraday trades, the closing/last price of the last trading session of the instrument will be used to valorize the O/H/L/C prices and the volume will be equal to 0.
- Derivatives
- Line and Area type: closing price (in absence of intraday trades, the last price of the last valid trading session will be shown)
- Candle and Bar type:
Opening price (first price)
Low price
High price
Closing price (in absence of the closing price the last price will be shown)
In absence of intraday trades, the closing/last price of the last trading session of the instrument will be used to valorize the O/H/L/C prices.
- After Hours
- Line and Area type: last price (in absence of intraday trades, the last price of the last valid trading session will be shown, the volume will be equal to 0)
Candle and Bar type:
Opening price (first price)
Low price
High price
Closing price (last price)
In absence of intraday trades, the last price of the last trading session of the instrument will be used to valorize the O/H/L/C prices.
Finally, the opening and closing auction are always included in the historical volume.
The trades and countervalues shown in charts are those of the DW2 data.