Euronext MIV Milan combines issuers needs, such as accessible listing requirements, flexibility of legal forms and investment policies, high standing regulated market, with investors demands, such as the opportunity to invest in the real economy through listed instruments, transparent information and efficient secondary market.

Euronext MIV Milan key strengths are:


An innovative trading methodology anchored to the NAV


Possibility to raise capital from a large audience of potential retail and professional investors


Market capable of hosting sophisticated instruments and legal structures


No restrictions of registered office or tax domicile in the European Union


Listing environment that combines regulatory flexibility with regulated market status


Secondary market managed by an efficient trading platform, the same as the equity instruments listed on the Borsa Italiana Euronext Milan market


Greater standing and transparency compared to unlisted vehicles


Greater visibility among traditional and specialized investors


Sustainable Finance
Discover  the new  section of Borsa Italiana website dedicated to Sustainable Finance
Amendments to the Euronext MIV Milan rules

With resolution no. 22008 of the 22 September 2021, Consob approved the amendments to the Rules of the Markets managed and organized by Borsa Italiana and related Instructions, already approved by Borsa Italiana’s Board of Directors on 22 July 2021. The amendments include the review of the rules governing alternative investment funds (AIFs) to be listed on the Euronext MIV Milan market. The amendments enter into force on 25 October 2021.

Euronext MIV Milan: The Italian Regulated Market for Alternative Investment Funds

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