34,369.19 -0.02%
Date - Time Last Value 24/07/16 - 5:40:00 PM
Real Time

Market Data

Day High 34,422.18
Day Low 34,028.85
Previous closing price 34,375.92
Year High - Date 35,410.13 - 24/05/16
Year Low - Date 30,077.46 - 24/01/23
Previous Year High 30,426.58
Previous Year Low 24,158.28
Closing Previous Year 30,351.62
First Value 34,209.85
1 Month Performance +5.22%
6 Months Performance +13.33%
1 Year Performance +19.91%
2 Years Performance +64.18%
TR Last Close 86,011.41
TR Chng % -0.02
TR Close Date 24/07/16
Exchange Code: FTSEMIB
17:40:00 34,369.19 -0.02%
17:35:29 34,369.19 -0.02%
17:35:26 34,368.85 -0.02%

Index Info

The FTSE MIB is the primary benchmark Index for the Italian equity markets. The Index is comprised of highly liquid, leading companies across ICB sectors in Italy. 

The FTSE MIB Index measures the performance of 40 Italian equities and seeks to replicate the broad sector weights of the Italian stock market. The Index is derived from the universe of stocks trading on the Borsa Italiana main equity market. Each stock is analyzed for size and liquidity, and the overall Index has appropriate sector representation. The FTSE MIB Index is market cap-weighted after adjusting constituents for float.


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