
Borsa Italiana, which has always been attentive to promoting the country’s entrepreneurial excellence, launched in 2014 the project Rivelazioni - Finance for Fine Arts, aimed at creating an efficient model of collaboration between individuals and institutions in support of the Italian artistic heritage, an essential tool for the economic and cultural development of the country.

Thanks to an agreement between Borsa Italiana and a selection of Italian museums, the collection of resources for the restoration of works is promoted by companies and operators belonging to the national and international financial community. Through a new form of patronage, also favored by the Art Bonus law (Decree Law 83 of 31/05/2014, converted into Law 106 of 29/07/2014), the sponsors who participate in the project, adopt a work among those selected by the museum and promoted by Borsa Italiana contributing to their return to full usability by the public. The restored works are then also exhibited in the Gallery of Borsa Italiana.

The project allows to optimize the fundraising mechanism through the proposal of more works with different restoration costs, facilitating the relationship between patron and museum and simplifying the donation methods. Borsa Italiana also promotes the project at its national and international network.

To date 5 editions of Rivelazioni have been realized for a total of about thirty works.

We thank the logistic partner:



Rivelazioni - Musei Reali di Torino

Fifth Edition

The fifth edition, developed thanks to the agreement between Borsa Italiana and Musei Reali di Torino in 2020, has already adopted 5 artworks.

Rivelazioni - Polo Museale della Liguria

Fourth Edition

The fourth edition, developed by virtue of the agreement between Borsa Italiana, Museo di Palazzo Reale and Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola of the Polo Museale della Liguria in 2018, ended successfully with the adoption of 6 works.

Rivelazioni - Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte

Third Edition

The third edition, developed under the agreement between Borsa Italiana and Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte - Napoli in 2018, has been realized thanks to the commitment of ELITE Campania companies, the international program of Borsa Italiana S.p.A. born in 2012 in collaboration with Confindustria dedicated to companies with high growth potential.


Rivelazioni - Gallerie dell'Accademia di Venezia

Second Edition

The second edition, developed by virtue of the agreement with Gallerie dell'Accademia di Venezia in 2017, ended successfully with the adoption of 6 works, for a total collection of around 60,000 euros.

Rivelazioni - Pinacoteca di Brera

First Edition

The first edition, developed by virtue of the agreement between Borsa Italiana and Pinacoteca di Brera in Milan in 2014, was successfully completed with the adoption of 8 works, for a total collection of approximately 300 thousand euros


Borsa Italiana for Fine Arts.



Browse the complete list of the artworks adopted during the five editions of Rivelazioni

Rivelazioni - Milan

Rivelazioni - Venice

Rivelazioni - Naples

Rivelazioni - Genoa

Rivelazioni - Turin


For more information:

+39 02 72426 319
+39 02 72426 34
