Sustainable Information

Official Close 106.91129
Official Close Date 24/12/19
Interest Rate
Opening 106.50
Last Volume 150,000
Total Quantity 226,000
Number Trades 3
Day Low 106.50
Day High 108.97
Year Low 96.15
Year High 112.00
Gross yield to maturity 4.83
Net yield to maturity 3.53
Gross accrued interest 7.56438
Net accrued interest 6.61883
Modified Duration 1.16
Reference price 107.61
Reference price date 20/12/2024
Legenda Data provided by Skipper Informatica Srl
Number Trades: 3   Total Quantity: 226,000
11:54:05 106.50 -0.89%
11:03:21 108.97 +1.41%
10:34:04 106.50 -0.89%

Instrument Info

Isin Code XS1807207581
Issuer EIB
Guarantor -
Seniority N
Tipology Foreign Public Debt
Bond Structure Plain Vanilla
Outstanding 100,000,000
Lot Size 1,000
Negotiation Currency/ Settlement currency TRY/TRY
Market MOT
Clearing/Settlement -/Euroclear and Clearstream Banking Lussemburgo
First Day of Trading 18/04/24
Denomination Eib Tf 11% Ap26 Try
Instrument ID 834379
Interest Commencement Date 18/04/20
First Coupon Date 18/04/20
Expiry Date 26/04/20
Coupon Frequency Annually
Trading Type Clean
Day Count Convention ACT/ACT (PERIODIC BASIS)
Periodic Coupon Rate 11.00
Annual Coupon Rate 11.00
Payout Description

Quotes, Book, Characteristics and Regulations for the Euro-Bonds Eib Tf 11% Ap26 Try

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