Sustainable Information

Market Data

Last trade price 101.99
Quantity 6,000
Var % +0.00
Date and time 10/17/2024
Close price 101.99
Date last close 10/17/2024
Static reference price 101.99
Dynamic reference price 101.99
Daily quantity 6,000
Daily turnover 6,119.4
Maximum 101.99
Minimum 101.30
ISIN XS2759171254
Description Bnpparibasis Mc May32 Eur
Status N
Trading currency EUR
Lot size 1,000
Periodic Coupon Rate 0.88925
Annual Coupon Rate 3.557
Market phase Inaccessible
Suspended NO
Trading Type Clean
Payout Description The bonds bear annual interest payable on the 10/02, 10/05, 10/08 and 10/11 of each year equal to: EURIBOR3M with 4.10% cap and 0% floor payable annually in arrear commencing on 10/08/24 up to 10/05/28 (included).The rate is observed two business days prior to the beginning of each interest period. For the remaining coupons, from the 10/08/28 up to maturity date it pays 4.10% p.a.
Gross yield to maturity 3.4
Net yield to maturity 2.45
Gross accrued interest 0.70152
Net accrued interest 0.51912
Modified Duration 3.41
Reference price 101.99
Reference price date 17/10/2024
Legenda Data provided by Skipper Informatica Srl
Number Trades: 1   Total Quantity: 6,000
17:14:01 101.99 +0.00

Liquidity Provider

Bnp Paribas

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