Sustainable Information

Market Data

Last trade price 100.79
Quantity 100,000
Var % +0.45
Date and time 09/27/2024
Close price 100.34
Date last close 09/27/2024
Static reference price 100.34
Dynamic reference price 100.79
Daily quantity 200,000
Daily turnover 200,810
Maximum 100.79
Minimum 78.21
ISIN XS0214965963
Description Telecom Italia 5.25% 17mz55
Status N
Trading currency EUR
Lot size 100,000
Periodic Coupon Rate
Annual Coupon Rate 5.25
Market phase Inaccessible
Suspended NO
Trading Type Clean
Payout Description
Gross yield to maturity 5.22
Net yield to maturity 3.86
Gross accrued interest 2.84795
Net accrued interest 2.10748
Modified Duration 14.67
Reference price 100.34
Reference price date 27/09/2024
Legenda Data provided by Skipper Informatica Srl
Number Trades: 2   Total Quantity: 200,000
11:13:01 100.79 +0.45
09:22:40 100.02 -0.32

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