Avvisi Storici EuroTLX

Di seguito è possibile scaricare gli Avvisi di EuroTLX pubblicati prima del 1 aprile 2020

Date and time Notices
25/07/2014 15:10 NOTICE n. 17_Admission of a new Market Intermediary - Banca Aletti & C. as Intermediary  ( file pdf - 213 kb)
25/07/2014 09:22 Notice N. 16 - Early Redemption DE000MS0ABS3  ( file pdf - 218 kb)
25/07/2014 06:46 Notice N. 15 - Suspension DE000MS0ABS3   ( file pdf - 212 kb)
24/07/2014 17:08 Notice N. 14 Admission to Trading  ( file xlsx - 20 kb)
24/07/2014 16:46 Notice N. 13 - Early Redemption XS0712801280 - DE000DE3CQJ7 - DE000DE3CQH1  ( file pdf - 241 kb)
24/07/2014 08:00 PRICE VARIATION LIMIT MODIFICATION  ( file pdf - 113 kb)
24/07/2014 06:42 Notice N. 11 - Trading suspension XS0712801280 - DE000DE3CQH1 - DE000DE3CQJ7  ( file pdf - 85 kb)
23/07/2014 16:11 Notice N. 10 - Extention  ( file pdf - 226 kb)
22/07/2014 15:31 Notice N. 9 - Change of Minimum Denomination and Lot Size  ( file pdf - 216 kb)
22/07/2014 14:16 Notice N. 8 - TRM2 Millennium Exchange Business Parameters for EuroTLX - Issue 3.1  ( file pdf - 215 kb)
22/07/2014 09:46 Notice N. 7 - Early Redemption DE000DE3CSF1  ( file pdf - 213 kb)
22/07/2014 06:55 Notice N. 6 - Trading suspension DE000DE3CSF1  ( file pdf - 213 kb)
21/07/2014 15:24 Notice N. 5 - Financial instrument delisting_XS0928203354  ( file pdf - 211 kb)
21/07/2014 06:01 Notice N. 4 - Early Redemption: DE000DE3CSM7 and DE000DE3CSN5  ( file pdf - 214 kb)
21/07/2014 06:00 Notice N. 3: Guide to the Parameters v. 1.1  ( file pdf - 217 kb)
20/07/2014 22:02 Notice N. 2 - Specific modes of trading of Liquidity Providers  ( file pdf - 213 kb)
20/07/2014 22:01 Notice N. 1 - Migration to T+2 settlement for EuroTLX Market  ( file pdf - 255 kb)
18/06/2014 09:26 Notification – Adjustment of Certificates due to an Extraordinary Event  ( file pdf - 177 kb)
06/06/2014 18:06 Notification – Adjustment of Certificates due to an Extraordinary Event  ( file pdf - 53 kb)
06/06/2014 18:03 Notification – Adjustment of Certificates due to an Extraordinary Event  ( file pdf - 62 kb)

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