Avvisi Storici EuroTLX

Di seguito è possibile scaricare gli Avvisi di EuroTLX pubblicati prima del 1 aprile 2020

Date and time Notices
08/06/2016 13:55 NOTICE N. 317 - Extention  ( file pdf - 340 kb)
07/06/2016 15:33 NOTICE N. 316 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 312 kb)
07/06/2016 14:54 NOTICE N. 315 - Extention  ( file pdf - 314 kb)
07/06/2016 14:25 NOTICE N. 314 -Delisting FREXA0000028  ( file pdf - 217 kb)
06/06/2016 16:47 Financial instruments delisted from June 6, 2016  ( file xlsx - 15 kb)
06/06/2016 16:42 NOTICE N. 313 - Early Redemption DE000MS0GUW2  ( file pdf - 298 kb)
06/06/2016 16:08 NOTICE N. 312 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 312 kb)
06/06/2016 15:59 NOTICE n. 311 - P vs P activation  ( file pdf - 233 kb)
06/06/2016 15:56 NOTICE N. 310 - Extention  ( file pdf - 380 kb)
06/06/2016 09:48 NOTICE N. 309 - Early Redemption XS1314938355  ( file pdf - 257 kb)
06/06/2016 09:19 NOTICE N. 308 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 310 kb)
06/06/2016 06:52 NOTICE n. 307 - Trading Suspension on XS1314938355  ( file pdf - 214 kb)
03/06/2016 14:39 NOTICE N. 306 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 310 kb)
03/06/2016 13:04 NOTICE n. 305 - PvsP - list of liquidity providers and financial instruments  ( file pdf - 237 kb)
03/06/2016 13:04 NOTICE n. 305 - PvsP - list of liquidity providers and financial instruments  ( file xlsx - 128 kb)
02/06/2016 15:13 NOTICE N. 304 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 310 kb)
01/06/2016 18:15 NOTICE n. 303 - Trading Suspension of 3 Abbey National Treasury Services PLC bonds substituted by Santander UK PLC  ( file pdf - 215 kb)
01/06/2016 17:21 NOTICE N. 302 - Substitution of Issuer from ABBEY NATIONAL TREASURY SERVICES PLC to SANTANDER UK PLC  ( file pdf - 283 kb)
01/06/2016 16:14 NOTICE N. 301 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 310 kb)
31/05/2016 10:21 NOTICE N. 300 - Extention  ( file pdf - 312 kb)

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