Avvisi Storici EuroTLX

Di seguito è possibile scaricare gli Avvisi di EuroTLX pubblicati prima del 1 aprile 2020

Date and time Notices
22/06/2016 16:31 NOTICE N. 357 - Early Redemption XS1293108988  ( file pdf - 257 kb)
22/06/2016 14:45 NOTICE N. 356 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 309 kb)
22/06/2016 08:55 NOTICE N. 355_ Early Redemption__IT0004940737  ( file pdf - 215 kb)
22/06/2016 08:46 NOTICE N. 354 - Trading Resumption on Portugal Telecom OI - Fast Market - Restriction on Market Orders  ( file pdf - 221 kb)
21/06/2016 16:19 NOTICE N. 353 - Change of Trading Method of bonds issued by Portugal Telecom International Finance and OI Brasil Holdings Cooperatief  ( file pdf - 333 kb)
21/06/2016 13:51 NOTICE N. 352 - P vs P activation  ( file pdf - 99 kb)
21/06/2016 13:47 NOTICE N. 351 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 309 kb)
21/06/2016 13:41 NOTICE N. 350 - Delisting 26 Financial Instruments  ( file pdf - 234 kb)
21/06/2016 08:19 NOTICE N. 349 - Trading Suspension Oi/Portugal Telecom  ( file pdf - 214 kb)
20/06/2016 15:53 NOTICE N. 348 - Regulation (EU) NO. 596-2014 regarding Market Abuse  ( file pdf - 234 kb)
20/06/2016 15:32 NOTICE N. 347 - Admission to trading  ( file xlsx - 312 kb)
20/06/2016 15:06 NOTICE N. 346 - Withdrawal from financial instrument trading  ( file pdf - 342 kb)
20/06/2016 15:03 NOTICE N. 345 - Extention  ( file pdf - 542 kb)
20/06/2016 10:33 NOTICE N. 344 - Trades Cancellation on XS0085727559  ( file pdf - 215 kb)
17/06/2016 16:34 NOTICE N. 343 - Early Redemption XS1293103245  ( file pdf - 257 kb)
17/06/2016 14:15 NOTICE N. 342 -Delisting XS1138833329  ( file pdf - 217 kb)
17/06/2016 11:17 NOTICE n. 341_Admission of Banca Aletti & C. as Specialist  ( file pdf - 86 kb)
17/06/2016 07:43 NOTICE N. 340_ Early Redemption__IT0005030348  ( file pdf - 215 kb)
16/06/2016 16:55 NOTICE N. 339 - Early Redemption DE000HV4BCG8, DE000HV4BCK0, DE000HV4BCL8, DE000HV4BCT1, DE000HV4BCM6 and DE000HV4BCX3  ( file pdf - 305 kb)
16/06/2016 15:00 NOTICE n. 338 - Trading Suspension ISIN NL0011339734  ( file pdf - 212 kb)

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