Avvisi Storici EuroTLX

Di seguito è possibile scaricare gli Avvisi di EuroTLX pubblicati prima del 1 aprile 2020

Date and time Notices
05/06/2018 15:53 NOTICE N. 685 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 7 kb)
05/06/2018 12:46 NOTICE N. 684 - Change of Liquidity Requirements  ( file pdf - 264 kb)
05/06/2018 08:32 NOTICE N. 683 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 8 kb)
05/06/2018 06:36 NOTICE N. 682 - Communication Strike and Barrier Level XS1829215216  ( file pdf - 340 kb)
04/06/2018 16:10 NOTICE N. 681 - Early Redemption XS1732559932  ( file pdf - 214 kb)
04/06/2018 16:03 NOTICE N. 680 - Change of Liquidity Requirements  ( file pdf - 236 kb)
04/06/2018 14:39 NOTICE N. 679 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 9 kb)
04/06/2018 14:38 NOTICE N. 678 - Admission to trading  ( file xls - 26 kb)
04/06/2018 14:25 NOTICE N. 677 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 25 kb)
04/06/2018 14:21 NOTICE N. 676 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 7 kb)
04/06/2018 14:18 NOTICE N. 675 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 9 kb)
04/06/2018 14:09 NOTICE N. 674 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 8 kb)
04/06/2018 13:21 NOTICE N. 673 - Change of Liquidity Requirements  ( file pdf - 305 kb)
04/06/2018 08:27 NOTICE N. 672 - Declaration of admissibility of financial instruments issued on the basis of a programme  ( file pdf - 273 kb)
01/06/2018 16:08 NOTICE N. 671 - Early Redemption XS1549142187  ( file pdf - 214 kb)
01/06/2018 14:58 NOTICE N. 670 - Admission to trading  ( file xls - 28 kb)
01/06/2018 14:54 NOTICE N. 669 - Change of Liquidity Requirements  ( file pdf - 235 kb)
01/06/2018 14:52 NOTICE N. 668 - Change of Liquidity Requirements  ( file pdf - 242 kb)
01/06/2018 13:55 NOTICE N. 667 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 7 kb)
01/06/2018 13:50 NOTICE N. 666 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 7 kb)

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