Avvisi Storici EuroTLX

Di seguito è possibile scaricare gli Avvisi di EuroTLX pubblicati prima del 1 aprile 2020

Date and time Notices
06/07/2018 14:14 NOTICE N. 836 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 7 kb)
06/07/2018 14:12 NOTICE N. 835 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 7 kb)
06/07/2018 13:44 NOTICE N. 834 - Change of Liquidity Requirements  ( file pdf - 327 kb)
05/07/2018 15:35 NOTICE N. 833 - Admission to trading  ( file xls - 33 kb)
05/07/2018 15:30 NOTICE N. 832 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 7 kb)
05/07/2018 15:23 NOTICE N. 831 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 7 kb)
05/07/2018 15:20 NOTICE N. 830 - Change of Liquidity Requirements  ( file pdf - 358 kb)
04/07/2018 16:18 NOTICE N. 829 - Early Redemption XS1582798945  ( file pdf - 214 kb)
04/07/2018 14:53 NOTICE N. 828 - Admission to trading  ( file xls - 27 kb)
04/07/2018 14:45 NOTICE N. 827 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 9 kb)
04/07/2018 14:43 NOTICE N. 826 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 7 kb)
04/07/2018 14:40 NOTICE N. 825 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 9 kb)
04/07/2018 14:33 NOTICE N. 824 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 7 kb)
04/07/2018 14:30 NOTICE N. 823 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 7 kb)
04/07/2018 14:15 NOTICE N. 822 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 7 kb)
04/07/2018 14:11 NOTICE N. 821 - Start of Trading  ( file xls - 7 kb)
04/07/2018 14:01 NOTICE N. 820 - Change of Liquidity Requirements  ( file pdf - 363 kb)
04/07/2018 08:11 NOTICE N. 819 - Communication Strike and Barrier Level XS1520290476  ( file pdf - 364 kb)
03/07/2018 15:12 NOTICE N. 818 - Extension  ( file pdf - 16 kb)
03/07/2018 15:09 NOTICE N. 817 - Admission to trading  ( file xls - 29 kb)

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