Reference Close 101.91
Number Trades
Lot Size 1.00
Net Chng +0.00
RFE Max RFE Delay 3 seconds
Trading Group MC
Day Low 101.91
Day High 101.99
Year High 102.85
Year High Date 24/04/08
Year Low 100.63
Year Low Date 24/01/02
Number Trades: 0   Total Quantity: 0

Instrument Info

Isin Code DE000HC6MQL3
Alphanumeric Code UC6MQL
Issuer UniCredit Bank GmbH
Capital Barrier % +50.00%
Expiry Date 25/06/20
Target Market
Underlying Intesa Sanpaolo
Underlying Value 3.865
Strike 2.4155
Marketing Name CASH COLLECT
Marketing Product Name Cash Collect
Kind Bull
KID Dowload from issuer website

Liquidity Provider

Unicredit Bank

Quotes, Book, Characteristics and Regulations, Market Maker for the Investment Certificate UCH CC Intesa Sanpaolo 2.4155 50 200625

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