Instrument Reference Data

Issuer Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.
Marketing Name DIGITALE
Marketing Product Name Equity Protection with Coupon
Segment quotation Investment Certificates
ACEPI Class Capital protected/guaranteed Instruments
ACEPI Type Digital
Kind Bull
Directionality Long
Underlying EURO STOXX Banks
Strike 112.766
Barrier Observation At closing*
Protection Level (from - to) 100
Initial Value 112.766
Interest % N.A.
Cap N.A.
Cap % N.A.
Floor N.A.
Floor % N.A.
Coupon 46
Commission % N.A.
*For more details refer to the final terms
Isin Code XS2637783593
Alphanumeric Code I09306
Denomination IS EP CP EURO STOXX Bank 112.766 310726

Date Begin Trading 23/08/04
Expiry Date 26/07/31
Last Day Trading 26/07/28
Entitlement/Multiplier 0.112766
Notional Amount 1,000.00
Amount 199,200
Quanto No
Autocallable No
Final Evaluation Date 26/07/29
Capital Barrier % N.A.
Coupon Barrier % +85.00%
Autocall Barrier % N.A.
Lower Threshold N.A.
Upper Threshold N.A.
Payoff Altering Barrier % N.A.


All Financial Data concerning the Investment Certificate IS EP CP EURO STOXX Bank 112.766 310726

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