Documents filed

Documents filed with Borsa Italiana available in pdf format
2021  Patto parasociale avente a oggetto azioni di Il Sole 24ORE S.p.A. � Aggiornamento informazioni essenziali  - ( file pdf - 196 kb) 08/06/2021
2017  approval of the pre-emptive rights offer  - ( file pdf - 133 kb) 11/12/2017
2017  Shareholders Meeting of 24 ORE Cultura S.r.l.  - ( file pdf - 357 kb) 11/12/2017
2017  Independence of Board of Statutory Auditors  - ( file pdf - 68 kb) 11/12/2017
2017  Final outcome of capital increase  - ( file pdf - 190 kb) 11/12/2017
2017  market offer of unexercised option rights  - ( file pdf - 112 kb) 11/12/2017
2017  Update to the 2017 - 2020 Business Plan  - ( file pdf - 228 kb) 11/12/2017
2017  Reverse split of ordinary and special cathegory shares  - ( file pdf - 175 kb) 11/12/2017
2017  Gudo Gentili confirmed editor-in-chief  - ( file pdf - 68 kb) 11/12/2017
2017  Agreement with former editor-in-chief Roberto Napoletano  - ( file pdf - 128 kb) 11/12/2017
2017  Agreement signed on vale enhancement  - ( file pdf - 194 kb) 11/12/2017
2017  CONSOB approves prospectus  - ( file pdf - 103 kb) 11/12/2017
2017  pre-emptive rights offer to the shareholders  - ( file pdf - 214 kb) 11/12/2017
2017  CS Trade Union Agreement July 7, 2017  - ( file pdf - 84 kb) 25/08/2017
2017  Disclosure of additional information as requested by Consob  - ( file pdf - 508 kb) 25/08/2017
2017  IL SOLE 24 ORE S.p.A.: SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING Proposals on the agenda of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting all approved  - ( file pdf - 231 kb) 25/08/2017
2017  Press release Trade Unions  - ( file pdf - 93 kb) 03/07/2017
2017  Press release Board of Directors June 22, 2017  - ( file pdf - 173 kb) 03/07/2017
2017  Press release Training and Events deal  - ( file pdf - 95 kb) 03/07/2017
2017  Filing of Directors' Explanatory Report  - ( file pdf - 154 kb) 03/07/2017

Bilanci, Semestrali, Trimestrali, Statuti Il Sole 24 Ore

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