Who we are
Soprarno is an independent asset management company, established in 2007 by seasoned professionals in this industry. The foundation of the company is deeply rooted in the principle of independence, meant as the absence of conflicts of interest. Soprarno is distinguished by several valuable features, including its own philosophy, analytic methodologies, technical quality, in-depth market knowledge and a proven track record of investment team.
What we do
Soprarno offers a range of investment products based on strategic funds, discretionary portfolio mandates and target funds. Particular attention is dedicated to identifying and minimizing potential risks in order to obtain low volatility portfolio (with the same risk profile). Since 2020, the Company has been demonstrating a strong commitment to sustainability, adopting an ESG policy. This commitment reflects our vocation for sustainable matters, ensuring that investment decisions are taken not only into consideration of economic aspects, but also of ESG factors.
Brochure and Materials
Operations, Projects, Actions, Signatory
We are signatories of CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) and participate as lead or co-lead to Non-Disclosure Campaign in order to urge companies to better reporting on environmental issues since 2021. We transformed our product range by integrating SFDR regulation on all funds in distribution and discretionary portfolio mandates.
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Via Fiume 11
50123 Firenze
Ph. + 39 055 263331