MOMentum Alternative Investments SA


Who we are

MOMentum Alternative Investments is an independent Asset Manager, based in Paradiso-Lugano (CH), born in 2010 from the initiative of a team with a long experience in financial markets. The company is wholly owned by the top management and therefore free from possible conflicts of interest. The 4 partners have been working together for over 20 years now, enhancing complementary and synergistic professional skills. The Partners are considered "specialists" of the Italian equity market.


What we do

MOMentum is Investment Manager of 2 sub-funds of a Luxembourg Sicav (UCITS), one of which is dedicated to the discovery and selection of "excellence" among small and medium-sized companies, while the other is looking for opportunities especially close to corporate events . Portfolio Managers spend most of their time meeting listed companies or IPOs, through a very meticulous and strict selection process. MOMentum has gradually integrated the ESG / SDG criteria in an increasingly invasive way, which over time have become a cornerstone in the selection process of investable companies.


Operations, Projects, Actions, Signatory

Multilabel Lyra collaborates with domestic SMEs, supporting them in the identification first and then implementation of the ESG / SDG criteria within their development strategies. Strong emphasis on possible critical issues attributable to the governance of investable companies.



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Italian Equity Market
Focus on small&mid caps, including the AIM market


Active management
Bottom-up investment process
Excellent Track record (>10 years)
2018-20 awards: Lipper Fund, UCITS Hedge, Citywire.


Via delle Scuole 3
6900 Paradiso Canton Ticino (Svizzera)
Ph. 0041919601900