Weekly stock options




Shares traded on Borsa Italiana’s equity market

Trading hours

- Opening Auction: 7.30 - 9.01 (9.01.00 - 9.01.30)

- Continuous Trading: 9.01 - 17.30

- Large-in-Scale Trade Facility (LiS): 7.30 - 18.30

Option style



Physically settled



Tick size (in €)

Option premium

On-book trading and Orders to execute Negotiated Transactions

<= € 0.005


> € 0.005



Same as relative stock option (Minimum lots table)

Contract size

Strike price x Multiplier

Option price (premium)

Option premium x Multiplier

Premium settlement

Settled in cash and paid on the Euronext Clearing open day following the trading day

Strike prices generation

19 strike prices, with intervals defined in the relevant table of Borsa Italiana’s Instructions

Contract months

3 or 4 expiries of the current month, depending on the number of Fridays in the month (excluding the third Friday)

Expiry day

The contract expires on the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th (if there is one) Friday of the expiry month at 8.15am CET. If the Exchange is closed that day, the contract expires on the first trading day preceding that day

Last trading day

The trading day before the expiry day at 17:30

Exercise at expiry day

Automatic exercise executed by Euronext Clearing on ITM options. Exercise by exception is allowed as well by no later than 8.15am on the expiry day

Daily settlement prices

Computed according to Euronext Derivatives Trading Procedures paragraph 2.2 and 2.3

Settlement day

The second open TARGET calendar day following the expiry day

Early exercise

Every trading day before the expiry day by 18.30pm

Final settlement price

The closing auction price of the underlying share on the last trading day


Preconfigured strategies

Unusual Contract Size

Where contracts have been affected by recent corporate actions resulting in currently tradable contracts being of a non-standard contract size, this information can be found in the document on this page.