Borsa Italiana hosts Small Caps Conference

Nov 29 2012 - 11:00

Borsa Italiana hosts Small Caps Conference

Today, Thursday 29st November 2012, the second Small Caps Conference takes place at Palazzo Mezzanotte.
The event is dedicated to the companies with a smaller market capitalization on Borsa Italiana’s markets that can now present their results, strategy and a general overview to the Italian financial community.
During the day, there will be some analyst presentations of companies listed on MTA and on AIM Italia – Mercato Alternativo of Borsa Italiana, and some one-to-one with the investors.

Barbara Lunghi, Head of Mid&Small Caps of Borsa Italiana said:
“Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) represent one of the strengths of the Italian economy and the most fertile breeding ground for the growth of the Country. This is why Borsa Italiana has always focused on the development of listed companies by giving them the chance to introduce themselves and meet the financial community.
Today’s event is dedicated to the small cap and aims to promote the asset class of the small and medium companies to the Italian and International investors”

Companies attending are:
Best Union, Compagnia della Ruota, Conafi Prestitò, Frendy Energy, IKF, Il Sole 24 Ore, IVS Group, Methorios, Molecular Medicine, Poligrafici Printing, Primi sui Motori, SAT – Società Aeroporto Toscano, Unione Alberghi Italiani.

The Small Cap Conference is organized with brokers and consultancy firms in investor relations: Banca Akros, Banca IMI, CDR Communications, Centrobanca, Intermonte, Integrae, IR Top, KT&Partners, Unipol Merchant.

For further information, please contact:
Oriana Pagano                 Media Relations +39 02 72426.360

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