Cambiamenti nel Board del London Stock Exchange Group

27 Set 2010 - 10:00

London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) annuncia che Angelo Tantazzi, non-executive Deputy Chairman, lascia il Board del Gruppo con effetto immediato. Paolo Scaroni, Ceo di Eni e Non-Executive Director del London Stock Exchange Group dal 2007, lo sostituirà come non-executive Deputy Chairman.
Inoltre, Massimo Tononi entra da oggi nel Board di LSEG con la qualifica di Non-Executive Director.

Chris Gibson-Smith, Chairman del London Stock Exchange Group, ha commentato:

“Voglio ringraziare Angelo per il suo determinante ruolo nello sviluppo della Borsa Italiana e per il contributo apportato all’interno del Board di LSEG.
Angelo continuerà a presiedere il Board di Borsa Italiana fino al prossimo anno e potremo quindi continuare a beneficiare della sua esperienza all’interno del Gruppo fino ad allora.

“Sono inoltre felice di accogliere Massimo Tononi nel Board.
Poiché intendiamo continuare a rafforzare il nostro business a livello internazionale, la sua profonda conoscenza dell’industry bancaria e l’esperienza come Sottosegretario all’Economia arricchiranno il Gruppo di importanti ulteriori competenze. Sono anche estremamente grato a Paolo Scaroni per aver accettato di diventare Deputy Chairman.”

Massimo Tononi è stato Partner & Managing Director nella divisione di investment banking di Goldman Sachs fino al luglio di quest’anno. A Goldman Sachs ha ricoperto un incarico di rilievo nello sviluppo del business delle transazioni a livello europeo. Dal 2006 al 2008 è stato Sottosegretario all’Economia del Governo italiano.

(Non ci sono altre informazioni richieste secondo le Listing Rules 9.6.13R oltre a quelle qui contenute).

Per ulteriori informazioni:

Anna Mascioni               Media Relations +39 02 72426.360

Luca Grassis                  

Victoria Brough                Press Office +44 (0)20 7797 1222

Paul Froud                       Investor Relations +44 (0)20 7797 3322

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Notes to editors:

Biography of Massimo Tononi

2008 – July 2010 Goldman Sachs, London

Partner & Managing Director

2006 – 2008 Italian Ministry of Economy & Finance, Rome

Treasury Undersecretary

1994 – 2006 Goldman Sachs

2005 – 2006 Partner & Managing Director, London

1999 – 2005 Partner & Managing Director, Head of Milan Office

1994 – 1999 Investment Banking Division, London

1993 – 1994 Istituto Per La Ricostruzione Industriale (IRI SpA), Rome

Personal Assistant to the Chairman (Romano Prodi)

1988 – 1993 Goldman Sachs, London

Italian team

Other appointments

May 2010 – Mittel S.p.A. – Member of the Board

June 2010 – Sorin S.p.A. – Member of the Board and of the Executive Committee

July 2010 –   Prysmian S.p.A. – Member of the Board and of the Audit Committee


About London Stock Exchange Group:

London Stock Exchange Group is Europe's leading diversified exchange business, incorporating Borsa Italiana and the London Stock Exchange. With over 500 member firms and more than 3,000 companies quoted across its markets, the Group operates the largest and most liquid equity marketplace in Europe.
The London Stock Exchange itself is the world's most international exchange with more than 600 overseas companies from over 70 countries. These figures include international companies quoted on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM), the London Stock Exchange's growth market, and the world's most successful market for small and medium sized enterprises with over 1,200 companies.
The Group offers trading in a wide range of instruments, holding the number one position in the trading of exchange-traded products (ETFs and ETCs) and through its interest in MTS, is Europe’s leading platform for the trading of fixed income products. Through the Order Book for Retail Bonds and Mercato Telematico delle Obbligazioni (MOT) the Group also offers a comprehensive range of UK and European corporate and government bond trading services. Its Italian Derivatives Exchange Market (IDEM) sees over €2.5 billion worth of trading every day and through EDX London the Group provides a facility for the trading of Scandinavian and Russian equity derivatives.
London Stock Exchange Group also offers post-trade services such as netting, clearing and settlement on an efficient and competitive basis. These include services from Monte Titoli, the Central Securities Depository for all Italian financial instruments, and Cassa di Compensazione & Garanzia (CC&G), which in July 2009 was granted Recognised Overseas Clearing House (ROCH) status by the FSA to operate in the UK.
With the acquisition of MillenniumIT, the Group encompasses a leading developer of low cost high performance trading platforms and financial markets software serving both the industry and the Group's own businesses.
Since February 2010 London Stock Exchange Group has owned a majority stake in Turquoise, a Mulitlateral Trading Facility (MTF) providing pan-European and US lit and dark equity trading in approximately 2,000 securities across 19 countries.


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Ester Russom

Borsa Italiana
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