STAR Conference 2007

First half year 2007 results presented to the international financial community in London

Oct 03 2007 - 13:30

The companies belonging to the Borsa Italiana’s STAR segment meet with the international economic-financial community today and tomorrow in London to present, among others, the results achieved during the first half of 2007.

During the London STAR Conference, which has reached its seventh edition, over 550 one-to-one meetings and group meetings will take place among the 60 companies and 180 institutional investors and financial analysts attending the event.

The following companies will be present:

Actelios, Aedes, Aicon, Ansaldo STS, Ascopiave, Astaldi, BB Biotech, Biesse, Bolzoni, Cairo Communication, Cembre, Cobra, Cremonini, Dada, d’Amico International Shipping, Datalogic, DiaSorin, Digital Bros, Dmail Group, DMT - Digital Multimedia Technologies, Ducati Motor Holding, Eems, Emak, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, Esprinet, Eurotech, Fidia, Fiera Milano, Gefran, Graniti Fiandre, Gruppo MutuiOnline, Guala Closures, IMA, Interpump Group, Isagro, IT Way, Juventus F.C., La Doria, Landi Renzo, Mariella Burani Fashion Group, Marr, Mirato, Mondo TV, Omnia Network, Navigazione Montanari, Panaria Group, Polynt, Prima Industrie, RDB, Reply, Sabaf, Saes Getters, Socotherm, Sogefi, Stefanel, Trevisan Cometal, TxT e-Solution, Uni Land, Vittoria Assicurazioni, Zignago Vetro.

Introduced in April 2001, today the STAR segment of Borsa Italiana counts 83 companies, and applies the most severe requirements in terms of free-float, corporate governance and transparency.

At the end of September 2007, STAR companies had an aggregate capitalisation of 26.8 billion euros and a daily total trading turnover of 107 million euros.

An analysis of aggregate data to June 2007 shows that STAR companies recorded, in the last 5 years, an annual growth rate of revenues of 14%. In the same period, the aggregate ebitda grew at an annual average of 16% with a growth rate of 5% in the net financial position.

The analysis of trading confirms the leading position of STAR companies, among European mid&small caps, in terms of liquidity: over the last 3 years, the liquidity of the segment grew at an annual rate of 41%, achieving average daily trades, for each stock, of 1.4 million euros. 

STAR Conference 2007 in London is part of a series of events organised, with the partnership of Italian and international brokers, to promote STAR companies in the major international and financial arenas such as, besides London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Milan, New York, Paris,Tokyo and Wien. 


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