New stock options and stock futures contracts
As of november 20th, 2006, seven new stock options and seven new stock futures contracts will be traded on the derivatives market of Borsa Italiana
Nov 16 2006 - 17:30
On Monday November the 20th 2006, Borsa Italiana's IDEM market will launch seven new stock options and seven new stock futures, bringing the total number of stock options traded on the IDEM market up to 43 and the total number of stock futures up to 39.
The new contracts, which will increase by 20% the number of listed products on the IDEM market, will have as underlying shares Banca Popolare di Milano, Fondiaria-Sai, Italcementi, Lottomatica, Parmalat, Saipem and Tenaris.
Trading on the new contracts will be supported by the presence of 7 market makers which will provide liquidity on these products. The market markers active on stock futures contracts will be Banca Aletti, Banca Caboto and Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, while on stock options contracts the market makers will be Abaxbank, Banca Caboto, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, Banca IMI, Wolverine Trading and Interactive Brokers as specialist.
The interest on the derivatives products on single stocks is confirmed by the growth of this segment in 2006. During the first ten months of 2006, the number of standard contracts grew by 27% compared to the same period of 2005, while the stock futures products were the fastest growing product of the derivatives market with an increase in volumes of 38%.
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