Notizie Teleborsa

Markets of the Old Continent are all positive

News Image (Teleborsa) - A rush of buy orders hits the European stock markets as Piazza Affari closes on the same positive note as the Old Continent bourses.

EUR / USD is essentially stable, finishing at 1.108. Caution prevails as gold continues the session slightly lower (-0.22%). Light Sweet Crude Oil continues to trade sideways, registering a +0.27% change.

The Spread is at +141 basis points, near the previous day's level, while the ten-year BTP settles at +3.64%.

Among the European indices, Frankfurt makes fairly pedestrian progress (+0.21%), London looks composed with modest growth of +0.37%, and Paris performs modestly, showing a moderate +0.49% rise.

The Milanese stock exchange enjoys timid gains as the FTSE MIB exhibits +0.64% up, continuing its run after four consecutive rises, which began last Tuesday; similarly, the FTSE Italia All-Share crawls up +0.62% to close at 36,611 points.

The FTSE Italia Mid Cap trades moderately higher (+0.62%), as the FTSE Italia Star is only just in the black (+0.48%).

Bper (+2.55%), Banca Popolare Sondrio (+2.43%), ERG (+1.74%) and Iveco (+1.54%) among the best performing blue chips in Piazza Affari.

DiaSorin reports the heaviest losses, currently suffering from a -1.66% down.

Amplifon contracts moderately by -0.61%.

Stellantis is subdued, shedding -0.61%.

Campari falls just below its previous value.

Juventus (+6.45%), Ferretti (+3.99%), Pharmanutra (+3.87%) and Mondadori (+2.55%) are among the best performing stocks in the FTSE Italia Mid Cap basket.

Philogen has the worst performance, with a -1.40% down.

GVS is sluggish, declining marginally (-0.73%).

MFE B is modestly down, shedding -0.59%.

Among the most important macroeconomy events:

Friday, 8/30/2024
1:30 AM Japan: unemployment rate (expected 2.5%; prev. 2.5%)
1:50 AM Japan: industrial production, monthly (expected 3.6%; prev. -4.2%)
1:50 AM Japan: retail sales, yearly (expected 2.8%; prev. 3.8%)
7:30 AM France: employment, quarterly (expected 0%; prev. 0%)
8:45 AM France: consumer price index, yearly (expected 1.8%; prev. 2.3%)
8:45 AM France: consumer price index, monthly (expected 0.5%; prev. 0.2%)
8:45 AM France: gross domestic product, quarterly (expected 0.3%; prev. 0.2%).

(Teleborsa) 30-08-2024 13:00

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