Notizie Teleborsa

Markets of the Old Continent are all positive

News Image (Teleborsa) - A rush of buy orders hits the European stock markets as Piazza Affari closes on the same positive note as the Old Continent bourses.

Caution prevails as EUR / USD continues the session slightly lower (-0.23%). Gold trades slightly up at 2,407.8 dollars per ounce. Oil prices are essentially stable, with Light Sweet Crude Oil trading sideways at 78.14 dollars per barrel.

The Spread remains unchanged at +131 basis points, while the Italy ten-year BTP is at +3.74%.

Among the European indices, Frankfurt stands out, progressing +1.19%, London advances +0.29%, and Paris edges higher, showing an increase of 0.46%.

The Milanese bourse edges up as the FTSE MIB rises +0.65% to 34,839 points; similarly, the FTSE Italia All-Share pushes up to trade at 37,097 points.

The FTSE Italia Mid Cap is trading just above the flatline (+0.37%); similarly, the FTSE Italia Star gains marginally (+0.25%).

Mediobanca (+2.03%), DiaSorin (+1.16%), Poste Italiane (+1.15%) and Terna (+1.14%) among the best performing blue chips in Piazza Affari.

Stmicroelectronics has the worst performance, with a -1.40% down.

Tottering Leonardo dips -0.95%.

Amplifon is definitely weaker with a -0.66% decrease.

Banca Popolare Sondrio slips just under the flatline with a -0.55% decrease.

Banca Generali (+2.60%), Caltagirone (+1.43%), Digital Value (+1.42%) and Mondadori (+1.37%) are among the big players in the FTSE Italia Mid Cap index.

Carel Industries has the worst performance, with a -1.48% down.

Cembre contracts moderately by -1.2%.

SOL is subdued, shedding -1.1%.

The Italian Sea Group falls just below its previous value.

(Teleborsa) 23-07-2024 13:00

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