Notizie Teleborsa

Agenda of Monday, September 9, 2024

News Image (Teleborsa) - Corporate and institutional events

Monday, 9/9/2024

Government Bonds:
Italian Treasury Department - mid-long term settlement
Euronext Sustainability Week - Milan, Palazzo Mezzanotte - Sustainable Finance Week where experts and opinion leaders will share strategies and success stories in both in-person and digital events. The opening event, "ESG investing and Sustainable Growth: moving forward," will be inaugurated by the CEO of Euronext, Stéphane Boujnah. Following this, over 20 C-Level representatives from leading companies and financial institutions such as Assicurazioni Generali, CDP, ENI, and Snam will take the stage (until Friday 9/13/2024)
1st "Economics of the Public Sector and Institutions" conference
- The Bank of Italy organizes the 1st edition of the EPSI (Economics of the Public Sector and Institutions) Conference. The conference, which will be held every year, aims to bring together leading scholars on topics related to the economics of the public sector and institutions
Council of the EU - Informal meeting of agriculture and fisheries ministers in Budapest (until Tuesday 9/10/2024)
IFA Berlin 2024 - The International Fair of Electronics, Technology, and Innovation takes place in Berlin. The most important companies in the consumer electronics and home appliances sectors will be present. There will be a focus on artificial intelligence, home automation, and robotics (until Tuesday 9/10/2024)
LUISS - Welcome Ceremony for Freshmen - The ceremony is organized in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo. The event aims to inspire young people on the main transformative trends in society, the economy, and future skills. During the Ceremony, the outstanding theses of the academic year 2022/23 will also be awarded. Institutional greetings by Paolo Boccardelli, Rector of Luiss Guido Carli University
European Competitiveness Report - The President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and Mario Draghi present the European Competitiveness Report
Centrale del Latte d'Italia - BoD: Semi-annual financial report
Dexelance - BoD: Semi-annual financial report
Newlat Food - Meeting: Presentation analysts - BoD: Semi-annual financial report
Oracle - periodic financial results
Pharmanutra - BoD: Semi-annual financial report
Valsoia - BoD: – Approvation of the Interim Financial Statement at 30.06.2024

Forecoming macroeconomic data

Monday, 9/9/2024
1:50 AM Japan: current account (prev. 1,533 Bln ¥)
1:50 AM Japan: gross domestic product, quarterly (expected 0.8%; prev. -0.5%)
3:30 AM China: consumer price index, yearly (expected 0.7%; prev. 0.5%)
3:30 AM China: producer price index, yearly (expected -1.5%; prev. -0.8%)
10:30 AM European Union: Sentix index (prev. -13.9 points)
4:00 PM USA: wholesale trade inventories, monthly (expected 0.3%; prev. 0.1%)
4:00 PM USA: wholesales trade sales, monthly (prev. -0.6%)

(Teleborsa) 09-09-2024 07:57

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