Notizie Radiocor

Morning note: economia e finanza dai giornali esteri

FINANCIAL TIMES Global tax truce frays over fears of US Senate deadlock.

Airbus shares fall 10% after profit warning.

WikiLeaks founder Assange expected to be freed in US plea deal.

Chinese companies seek assurances from Malaysia on avoiding US tariffs.

Ukraine to start EU accession talks.

JPMorgan brings in over 15 bln usd from wealthy clients looking to cut tax bills.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL Assange cuts deal to plead guilty, gain freedom.

In rare rebuke, US ambassador accuses China of undermining diplomacy.

The Florida Panthers win the Stanley Cup.

Historic moon mission moves China ahead in space race with US.

Boeing talks to buy back Spirit have last-minute twist.

LES ECHOS Airbus 'slowed down' by the lack of engines, cuts its targets and falls heavily on the stock market.

Construction: bad news for the future government.

Eurofins denies allegations of wrongdoing by Muddy Waters.

In the United States, start-ups facing the debt wall go public.

IL SOLE 24 ORE Anthilia with Xenon to take over Orim.

Wise Equity invests in the yacht maker Absolute.

STM investing 10 bln eur in Italy.

CINCO DIAS The Spanish government will extend the Moves III Plan to support electric cars until Dec 31.

The five major football leagues will earn more than 20 bln eur next season for the first time.

The Spanish economy grew by 0.8% in Q1, one tenth of a percentage point more than expected, driven by tourism and investments.

HANDELSBLATT Germany's Merck discontinues pivotal study on important cancer drug.

Nvidia loses more than half a trillion dollars in stock market value.

'The West's obvious goal is not for Ukraine to win' - UK military expert.

Covestro starts concrete negotiations with Adnoc.


(RADIOCOR) 25-06-24 10:17:54 (0224)NEWS 5 NNNN


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