Notizie Radiocor

Morning note: economia e finanza dai giornali esteri

FINANCIAL TIMES Leading Democratic donors swing behind Harris after Biden drops out.

Number of UK businesses facing 'significant' financial distress rises sharply.

Asian markets unwind some 'Trump trades' after Biden withdraws from race.

Mysterious Russia-linked buyers amass LNG 'dark fleet'.

Beijing and Manila strike deal to reduce tensions in South China Sea.

Wall Street banks bet sterling will extend its winning run.

Vast Olympic security operation descends on central Paris.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL How the bet on Joe Biden turned into an epic miscalculation.

A stock-market rotation of historic proportions is taking shape.

Russia crushes dissent as Putin's system ramps up repression.

Flight cancellations caused by tech outage persist.

Luxury brands need to win back middle class shoppers.

LES ECHOS Canal+ listed in London, Havas in Amsterdam: Vivendi distances itself from the Paris bourse.

Giant solar farm: fate of Horizeo project on hold in the Landes region.

Sustainable finance: ESG fund launches plummet.

American AMI Metals sets up an aluminium centre in Ariege.

IL SOLE 24 ORE Kamala Harris towards the Democratic nomination, donations boom.

Africa, how central banks launch the gold rush.

New migrant caravan travelling from Mexico to the USA.

European profits stalled. Italy towards 3.5% gain in profits.

CINCO DIAS A flurry of 22.6 bln eur takeover bids targets the Spanish stock market: 'It's a perfect storm'.

Air Europa shields itself against fuel hikes on the eve of IAG takeover.

Almirall's profit rises 28% and confirms its forecast for the year.

HANDELSBLATT Biden's withdrawal is a satisfaction for Trump - and a problem.

Vodafone sells a further 10% of Vantage Towers.

Ryanair profit well below expectations.


(RADIOCOR) 22-07-24 10:09:34 (0167)NEWS 5 NNNN


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