Notizie Radiocor

Morning note: economia e finanza dai giornali esteri

FINANCIAL TIMES US urges EU to delay deforestation law.

China's renminbi hits seven-month low and property stocks sell off.

Deutsche's private bank cuts spending on external consultants by 70%.

Giorgia Meloni's hard-right European group claims a top EU job.

Energy emissions hit record high on rising fossil fuel demand, says report.

Vietnam's 'bamboo diplomacy' triumphs with visits from Biden, Xi and now Putin.

Poll predicts Rishi Sunak to lose seat in Tory wipeout.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL For Apple's AI strategy, China is a missing piece.

No, the far right isn't going to trigger a euro crisis.

Reversing a credit-card charge has never been easier-or more abused.

Russia says it is awaiting US response on prisoner swap.

How Putin rebuilt Russia's war machine with help from US adversaries.

LES ECHOS The giants of the CAC 40 will have generated profits of almost 150 bln eur in 2023.

Air France-KLM wants to continue growing after 20 years of marriage.

Dacia's plan to sell a million cars by 2030.

IL SOLE 24 ORE Procedure starts to reduce the Italian public deficit by 10-12 bln eur.

Smart factory, 5 bln eur invested in Italy but efficiency remains low.

CINCO DIAS Big IPO freeze: Flix, Tendam postpone like Golden Goose.

Telecom Italia prepares for shopping in services after network disposal.

Fidim of the Rovati family buys into the Barletta group.

HANDELSBLATT Tennet sale to Germany fails.

Sales of electric cars falling in Europe.

Former Mercedes manager joins Dassault Systemes.


(RADIOCOR) 20-06-24 10:06:32 (0214)NEWS 5 NNNN


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