Notizie Radiocor

Morning note: economia e finanza dai giornali esteri

FINANCIAL TIMES French businesses court Marine Le Pen after taking fright at left's policies.

Shell to buy LNG trader Pavilion from Singapore's Temasek.

Mark Rutte offers deal to Viktor Orban as he seeks to clinch NATO top job.

Apple scraps 'buy now, pay later' service in US just months after rollout.

Europe spurs investment in defence tech start-ups.

Shein chases new revenue streams as it prepares for London listing.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL Electric-vehicle startup Fisker files for bankruptcy.

Rent hikes loom, posing threat to inflation fight.

Biden's tough-on-China stance threatens green America push.

Boeing's CEO search hits some snags.

Corporate tax rate spurs political fight with over 1 trln usd at stake.

LES ECHOS Legislative elections: stunned, businesses mourn ten years of political stability.

Wealth: savers worried about future tax policy.

Biodol Therapeutics obtains 7 mln eur to treat pain at source.

IL SOLE 24 ORE Milan earmarks 320 mln eur to relaunch investments.

Ita-Lufthansa, first green light with conditions from Brussels.

Wind Tre, new headquarters (and savings) in Milan.

CINCO DIAS Grifols calls for Investor Day on Oct 10 to restore financial confidence.

Europastry confirms its IPO with a new share offering of 225 mln eur.

Santander snatches the throne of most valuable bank in the European Union from BNP.

53% of Spanish investment funds and pension plans have not beaten inflation for 10 years.

HANDELSBLATT Rheinmetall and Lockheed Martin develop long-range missile launcher.

Fisker files for insolvency.

NATO sees German defence spending at 90.6 bln eur.

With boards, sand and stones - citizens should protect themselves in the event of war.


(RADIOCOR) 18-06-24 09:54:32 (0215)NEWS 5 NNNN


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