Notizie Radiocor

Economia e finanza dai giornali Usa

THE NEW YORK TIMES At news conference, Biden seeks to overcome missteps with policy talk.

US uncovers Russian plot to assassinate CEO of German arms maker.

How Biden's stumbles collided with a right-wing conspiracy theory.

China reaches record trade surplus, raising alarm abroad.

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL Is Kamala Harris a stronger candidate than Biden? Economists say inflation would be worse under Trump than Biden.

PepsiCo, after years of price hikes, sounds an alarm on consumer spending.

Why can't Houston keep the power on? THE WASHINGTON POST Biden shows foreign policy depth in news conference with a few stumbles.

Food companies feel the pain as consumers reject higher prices.

Democrats fear Biden drama may squander goldilocks economy.

Tesla sells 'Self-Driving' cars. Is it fraud? LOS ANGELES TIMES Biden, in defiant news conference, again vows to remain in the race.

US film and TV production down 40% from peak TV levels, report says.

Pharmacy middlemen claim to keep prescription prices low. In fact, they've cost consumers billions.

Feds pump 2 billion dollars into boosting US-based EV manufacturing.


(RADIOCOR) 12-07-24 13:36:56 (0319)NEWS 5 NNNN


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