Radiocor News

Webuild, Ansaldo Nucleare ink nuclear power MoU

To support development of SMRs, AMRs (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Milan , 03 Sep - The Italian construction company Webuild and nuclear power company Ansaldo Nucleare said they have signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate over the next five years "on the development, marketing and implementation of cutting-edge nuclear technologies." The companies explained that their agreement comes amid promising prospects for the nuclear sector, with increased investments expected in new plants across the globe with the aim of delivering around 650 gigawatts (GW) of capacity by 2050.

In particular, Webuild and Ansaldo Nucleare said that the aim of their partnership is to support development, expanded global presence, and adoption of small modular reactors (SMR), smaller reactors of around 300 MW which are modular and flexible, and the subsequent adoption of advanced modular reactors (AMR). AMRs are nuclear fission reactors which use fourth generation technology, currently at the development stage, with new cooling systems such as molten metal, to improve performance and deliver new functionalities.


(RADIOCOR) 03-09-24 17:11:50 (0430) 5 NNNN


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