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UK watchdog accepts Meta's changes to ad data use rules

No need for advertisers to opt in or opt out (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - New York, 20 Aug - The UK Competition watchdog (CMA) said it had accepted proposals from social media giant Meta to vary commitments in the way it uses advertising customers' data on its global platform.

Under the original commitments, Meta pledged to limit how it uses advertising customers' data in order to prevent it from getting an unfair advantage. Competitors of Facebook Marketplace that advertised on Meta platforms could 'opt out' of their data being used to improve Facebook Marketplace.

Under the new commitments Meta will ensure that all advertisers can retain the ability to place advertisements on Facebook Marketplace and be certain of their advertising data not being used to improve Facebook Marketplace, without having to opt in or out.

"The CMA has concluded that the revisions go above and beyond the original commitments and would not leave any advertisers worse off.".


(RADIOCOR) 20-08-24 19:23:41 (0483) 5 NNNN


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