Radiocor News

TCC ups offer for NHOA shares to 1.25 eur each vs 1.10

Shares remain suspended (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Paris, 21 Aug - French energy storage company NHOA said Taiwan Cement Corporation (TCC), its indirect majority shareholder, has increased the price of the simplified tender offer for its shares to 1.25 euros each from a previous 1.10 euros after its board of directors expressed reservations as to the fairness of the original offer.

The increased price represents a 114% premium over the closing share price as of June 12 prior to the announcement of the tender offer, as well as premiums of 114%, 94% and 82% respectively compared to the volume-weighted average prices over the 60, 120 and 180 trading days preceding that date.

"Discussions with the ad hoc committee of NHOA's board of directors and its advisors will resume on that basis," NHOA said.

Shares in the French company continue to be suspended from trading until a further press release.


(RADIOCOR) 21-08-24 08:22:05 (0143) 5 NNNN


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