Radiocor News

Tamedia plans to cut 290 jobs

Plans to close 2 printing facilities (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Geneve, 27 Aug - The Swiss media group Tamedia said it would cut some 290 jobs to accelerate its transition to digital.

The group, which owns, among others, the dailies Tages-Anzeiger and Tribune de Geneve, plans to cut about 200 jobs in its printing facilities and 90 jobs in its newsrooms.

It plans to close its printing site in Lausanne at the end of March 2025 and the Zurich one by end 2026. Meanwhile, the printing site in Bern will be enlarged.


(RADIOCOR) 27-08-24 12:22:24 (0271) 5 NNNN


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